Thursday, January 7, 2010

grand opening of the circle of the black thron place

lex luthor, darth vader, and kate gossilin and cujo,the dog, these very evil members of the circle of the black thorn get done building their command center and hidden headquaters here, under the orangztion of evil.
the senior partners from the law office of wolfram and hart gave all the members permission to build their place here, but it took 3 months to get it built ,becasuse of some doggie spies freelancer for the organazation of good, these doggies names are scrappy, daisy and ginger.
but all the members of the circle of the black thorn, named senator brucker, archduke sebassis,
-ed,the grand potentante of the fell brenthren, cyvus vance, izzerial the devil and their newest member named marcus hamliton, who also is the public resatlions persons for the senior partners, at wolfram and hart, they are still at a very large table drinking lots of demon ale and eating lots of demon pizza and jelly dounuts.